
14 :: deee-sign

1 / décembre 2008

2 / décembre 2008

3 / décembre 2008

4 / décembre 2008

"we're a graphic, web, multimedia and audiovisual design studio, formed by Angel Galán and Miguel Angel Lastra in Madrid. We have collaboration of diferent people in some projects like Javier Camuñas, Antonio López o Sergio Rodriguez.

We try to find the armony between the usability, simplicity and design.
We look around us and try to understand some social realities and expres our ideas through design (and sometimes is only job, jeje)"

:: deee-sign

:: addSensor - Angel Galán
:: addSensor - Miguel Angel Lastra

:: addSensor
:: addSensor - mySpace

:: Angel Galán - mySpace
:: the questionnaire - Angel Galán