
01 :: xNoleet

Bl33d / mai 2007

spikes in the grass / mai 2007

comment :: "I begun studying graphic design independently since year 2001, in wich I created my first experimental laboratory called "Exlab" and used it as a playground. At that year, along with xKrëuz, we decided to found Dôjo [1].

In 2002 I released the 2nd website version wich became a little popular and at the end of that year, I ended that laboratory to build another one, deeper in concept; this new project was under the name "final.dome ". I ended that project by mid 2003 and it earned a modest reputation. In that same year, Visual Montefiori [2] was found, since then, all commercial works (third party or collaborations) have been developed under that brand.

In 2004 I dedicated myself completely to work on a clothing brand, this was a personal project in wich I had the opportunity to develop from the bizcards to the clothing store and its Website. The project failed due to personal reasons.

I stopped completely all my independent studies to dedicate myself into personal activities, in 2006 an impressive task needed to be done: to develop Dôjo.

At the moment I collaborate with several projects, work as freelance and still developing Dôjo."

:: xNoleet for DeviantArt

23 mai 2007