
18 :: Max Marlow

surrounded by realities 720x120 / mai 2008 > 2010

dscf0055 / mai 2008 > 2010

dscf0121 / mai 2008 > 2010

dscf0128 / mai 2008 > 2010

brettereingang / mai 2008 > 2010
(gif file - please click on)

wolken / mai 2008 > 2010
(gif file - please click on)

"hopefully you enjoy the spirit that went into this selection - some of these are waiting since may 2008 for a good moment ..."

first guest of 720x120, post noCo...mment blog experience (29april2007 - 29april2010), Max Marlow is a musician, (re)mixer, producer, label coordinator, photograph, theorician and a web personality, as a real homing device, Max developps and/or supports numerous projects, he is actually living in Berlin.

:: subaudible experiences
:: discogs

17 :: Zeynep Aygüler

1 / mai 2009

2 / mai 2009

"Born in 1980 in Turkey, i am essentially, an animator with resent interest in new media .. but, just as my range of interest, ideas,and choices of associates extended beyond it .. so this makes me embrace a wide spectrum of artistic endeavor and remain a full time researcher..."

:: Zeynep on the behance network

5 / mai 2009

6 / mai 2009

Zeynep size teşekkür

16 :: Sammy Stein

prehistoric landscape 1 / avril 2009

prehistoric landscape 2 / avril 2009

prehistoric landscape 3 / avril 2009

prehistoric landscape 4 / avril 2009

"i took part in several exhibitions in France and Europe, in particular : "I still believe in miracle" with the Modern Art museum of Paris, “InHabituel” in Milan, “Graphic Session” and “Summer Show” organized by the Gallery Arts Factory and various events and exposures in the Paris bookshop-gallery En Marge. In 2008, i published “Claquettes & dancemusic”, a 256 pages book, with drawings in black and with, with En Marge edition.
In 2009, i shall take part to some exhibitions in Antwerp (Belgium), Jakarta (Indonesia), Lyon (France) and others ...

My work is about strange feeling, popular mythology, live and death, ruins, little details of life..."

The serie “prehistoric landscape” for the 720X120 project is about some imaginary landscapes before human or creatures live on this planet, or another."

Sammy lives and works in Paris.

:: Sammy Stein
:: myspace

15 :: Eloïse Boulerne

bad bday / mars 2009

death bubbles / mars 2009

space rafting / mars 2009

"... Mes liens préférés: pixeljoint - deviantart / J'aime ce mec: okayboss / ce listing de portfolios est très bon: netdiver ..."

First 2009 guest of the 720x120 project, Eloïse Boulerne is a french graphic designer, working in illustration and animation fields.
Also passionated about nature and horseback riding, Eloïse lives in Hamburg.
Danke Elo

:: deviant
:: e.b art work

14 :: deee-sign

1 / décembre 2008

2 / décembre 2008

3 / décembre 2008

4 / décembre 2008

"we're a graphic, web, multimedia and audiovisual design studio, formed by Angel Galán and Miguel Angel Lastra in Madrid. We have collaboration of diferent people in some projects like Javier Camuñas, Antonio López o Sergio Rodriguez.

We try to find the armony between the usability, simplicity and design.
We look around us and try to understand some social realities and expres our ideas through design (and sometimes is only job, jeje)"

:: deee-sign

:: addSensor - Angel Galán
:: addSensor - Miguel Angel Lastra

:: addSensor
:: addSensor - mySpace

:: Angel Galán - mySpace
:: the questionnaire - Angel Galán

13 :: Emi

1 / novembre 2008

2 / novembre 2008

3 / novembre 2008

recently discovered his fascinating and very personal world through a netaudio release of Risch for the label Petite&Jolie, Emi is a graphic designer and "incidentally" a drummer - she is living in Rouen and often talking of "graphistouilles" ... merci Emi.

:: Emi's zone
:: Emi's page at petite&jolie

12 :: Vincent Fugère

143 - 720x120001 / octobre 2008

143 - 720x120002 / octobre 2008

under several aliases, Vincent Fugère is (busy and) a mixmedia artist, a musician, a precursor of the netaudio scene, a glorious citizen of Montreal, a netlabel coordinator, a ... !

:: Vincent Fugère
:: Muhr
:: Genshi Media
:: the questionnaire

11 :: cómo crear historias

paisaje instantaneo A / septembre 2008

paisaje instantaneo B / septembre 2008

paisaje instantaneo B / septembre 2008

"Mónica García Fernández (Madrid, 1976) and Javier Rubio (Madrid,1976) are ‘cómo crear historias’.
Since 2002, we are architects by the Superior Technical School of Architecture of Madrid. In 2003, we set our own architecture office oriented to create interactive landscapes. Those are able to generate stories by themselves, so it seemed natural that the name of the office was ‘cómo crear historias’ (‘how to create stories’).
Our works move forth and back between practice and theory, in architecture, music, graphic and web design. In all of them, the main character is the user and his relation with the environment through interactive devices.
So far, we have won 5 first architecture prizes, 3 second prizes, 5 mentions and the Holcim’s European Acknowledgement Prize for Sustainable Construction.
Our projects and texts have been published in several magazines and books, such as: '1000 x European Architects', ' Guía de arquitectura de Madrid 1975 -2005', 'Postboks',' COAM Arquitectura ',' VIA quitectura ', 'Pasajes de arquitectura y urbanismo' and 'Catalogos de Arquitectura'.
We have been invited to impart courses and lectures at COAM Architecture Foundation, CEU Polytechnic School, EMU College of Arts & Architecture, the Official College of Architects of Cadiz, the Official College of Architects of Tenerife, the Official College of Architects of Logroño and the Superior Technical School of Architecture of Granada among others.
Our work has been exposed on several occasions, standing out 'Freshmadrid' travelling international exhibition, the V Ibero-American Biennale, or 'Horizons Madrid Social Housing' at the halls of the Royal Institute of British Architects and Aedes am Pfefferberg."

cómo crear historias are based in Madrid.

:: Cómo Crear Historias

:: Mónica García Fernández > the questionnaire
:: Javier Rubio > the questionnaire

10 :: psyCodEd

energy - machines - nature / juillet-aout 2008

"A combination that should exist in harmony; but it doesnt.
The Earthling seems not to be ready to take something from nature without stealing it completely.
Machines are taking over slowely, and there are only a few left who are able to control them.
But dont fuck with mother earth - one day we will all render account!
So choose now, and make your decision sagacious.

We need our planet more than 70 years."

Art on the edge of Data loss - psyCodEd is a photographer and an electronic musician. He is actually living in Cologne.
"energy - machines - nature" are the three 720x120 / noCo header creations alternatively posted on noCo...mment during all the summer 2008 - Danke Schön Aleks.

:: psyCodEd
:: myspace
:: discogs

09 :: NLz

have a nice day ...* / juin 2008

NLz is a graphic designer and a musician. he is actually living in Budapest.

:: NLz at creativestem
:: the questionnaire

08 :: Ath°M

barcode nostalgia / 2008

Ath°M is an offline side-project

:: graphic design for thierry massard op3n019 mixtape

07 :: Mirko Schmidt

tieguide / novembre 2007

mixtape / novembre 2007

"I am born in 1979 in a small town in Saxony, Germany.
After graduating as a Diplom-Media Manager (FH) I started a job in the marketing department of a solar cell manufacturer and moved to Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
I'm still in the job and responsible for the corporate design, advertising, give aways and almost everything that shows the company's logo.

In 2005 I found with a friend of mine the netlabel one bit wonder For 1bit I made the whole graphic design like the webpage and all the release covers (except of one). Since 1995 I'm producing music, starting with trance stuff and later different styles. At the moment I'm in 3 music projects: Latex Distortion (with a friend of mine, something between electronica and techno, different releases on 1bit and other netlabels), Kultobjekt (a solo project, dub influenced and more minimal style) and at least The Noise Tales (a rock pop project with another friend of mine, released just 2 songs on 1bit, at the moment paused).
What else to say? I have a little daughter which just became 4 years old. :-)

So after my vita I will give you a short explanation to the artworks, although everybody can make his own interpretation.
The "tie guide" reflects my job: on the one hand, working with design and the Adobe CS. On the other hand the business part of my work like trade shows and marketing stuff at all. That's why the tie ;-) (by the way: I never have wear a tie)

The second artwork reflects my hobby: the netlabel, i guess there's no explanation necessary on this."

Mirko lives in Leipzig.

:: Mirko Schmidt
:: 1Bit-Wonder

06 :: tomm.

pi / novembre 2007 - polaroid by stecco333

"I was born in milan in 1979. graphic designer. (…). umanuvem***** **. a simple page to stop by and cherish the sounds which. meanwhile. the other things. a mountain the snow a hot stove. that. cherry tree. the smell of the sea and. (the books). my bike. activism. photographs. (records. records. records). on -for the very first time- i try and tell the tale of what i am listening to."

Tommaso Belletti ( aka tomm ) have many relevant activities ::
He is writing for vitaminic and coordinates the blog umanuvem***** **.
tomm also describes himself as a social activist, that’s already sure, we think.
Grazie tomm.

:: umanuvem***** **
:: vitaminic

05 :: Fred DeBieF

NAR6 / 01 septembre 07

comment :: difficult to present such a proteiform and essential artist, as the french Fred Debief. Under several aliases and personalities, the man is developing a combined and hybrid work which goes beyond the borders of artistic disciplines.

:: fdbf
:: fdbf visuals

04 :: Rich.vom.Dorf

rvd1 / juillet 2007

rvd2 / juillet 2007

rvd3 / juillet 2007

comment :: Rich.vom.Dorf. is born in 1981, and currently lives in Hamburg.
He works as media designer (at "Khujo" clothing brand) and have contributions at "Bagazine" - cover artworks for "Kreislauf" - "Laminim" - "Loopzilla" - "Inoquo" - "SSS" - ... - grafx for "Subculture Magazine" - wrote reports for "Raveline" & "Freshguide" - 7th rank at the "Busy Beaver Button Design Contest" - Rich have also released some music at different weblabels - paints postcards.....

:: richthevillageboy
:: Rich.vom.Dorf
:: Bagazine

03 :: Laurent Batailley

2007.07.06 // Suggested Soundtrack » Holden - Lump / juillet 2007

comment :: Third guest of 720x120 noCo side-project, here is Laurent Batailley.
accomplice of various experiments, in particular for the netscene, Laurent Batailley is a photographer and coordinator of a splendid blog practising a form of fusion between music and image -
merci Laurent.

:: Laurent Batailley
:: the questionnaire

02 :: Jürgen Rieger

"anonym_01" / juin 2007

comment :: Jürgen Rieger is visual artist, graphic designer, musician and coordinator of label. "anonym_01" is the first pic out from a serie of 5 (upcoming)

:: grafikstudio-rieger
:: polarproject
:: clear-cut-records
:: sternenspringer
:: funkzelle

01 :: xNoleet

Bl33d / mai 2007

spikes in the grass / mai 2007

comment :: "I begun studying graphic design independently since year 2001, in wich I created my first experimental laboratory called "Exlab" and used it as a playground. At that year, along with xKrëuz, we decided to found Dôjo [1].

In 2002 I released the 2nd website version wich became a little popular and at the end of that year, I ended that laboratory to build another one, deeper in concept; this new project was under the name "final.dome ". I ended that project by mid 2003 and it earned a modest reputation. In that same year, Visual Montefiori [2] was found, since then, all commercial works (third party or collaborations) have been developed under that brand.

In 2004 I dedicated myself completely to work on a clothing brand, this was a personal project in wich I had the opportunity to develop from the bizcards to the clothing store and its Website. The project failed due to personal reasons.

I stopped completely all my independent studies to dedicate myself into personal activities, in 2006 an impressive task needed to be done: to develop Dôjo.

At the moment I collaborate with several projects, work as freelance and still developing Dôjo."

:: xNoleet for DeviantArt

23 mai 2007

00 :: 00

720 multiply 120 ... pixels is the concept of this visual experience.
720x120 is the proposition done to some representative artists coming from the websphere.
720x120 is part of :: noComment blog

thank you